Friday, December 27, 2013
Happy New Year: Ready to welcome a new year with goals and plans!
I know this should be a time of New Years resolutions and what not but I figured I would make a list of some of the things I plan on doing..starting...and scheduling to accomplish a successful year of 24. I think sometimes in our early twenties it is a battle of figuring out what we are going to do next. Should we get engaged? Should we move? Should we buy a house? Should we consider renting for awhile? Should we wait until we are stable before getting married? Should we be dating 5..6..8 years before getting serious? The questions continue and race through my mind all the time because this is the honest truth of what life is like right now.
I have so many things I hope for myself and my family and my relationships all in the upcoming year and here goes my list of 10 things I will be putting on my "New Years To Do" list.
1. Visit and travel to see all of my closest friends. Many of my friends live in nearby cities and it is so silly that we have not made more of an effort to see one another..SO, I am determined to go all over to reconnect and reunite with some of my favorite people. Everyone have their planners ready soon!
2. I would like to help out more around my city. I have not decided whether or not I will be moving to DC (was offered a full-time nanny position) or if I will be continuing to live here in the QC (Queen City) and practicing Real-Estate or some other Public Relations job, BUT wherever I am located and WHATEVER I am doing... I want to become a part of my city more!
3. I am sick of making excuses for everything in life, and I am ready to really get out there more ..It has been tough getting over this stupid anxiety (that has a way of taking over your entire life) but I am ready to do things that may not feel so "comfortable" in my little bubble.
4. Last year I kind of put photography on the back burner and focused more on nannying and making an income to pay bills..but I would like to jump back into it and really follow my passion and creative mindset of snapping everyday photos of everyday people.
5. Hoping to visit my paw-paw and family way more often this year. None of us live terribly far away and so I am for sure going to be scheduling some way overdue family time with my loved ones!
6. I would like to stick to more of a budget in this upcoming year. I have already began transitioning most of all my bills (minus my health insurance) in my name and have gotten (mostly) off my mom's money linkage. I want to do an even better job this year and start setting aside a budget for trips..a possible new house..and little things like a grocery budget each week. Anything to save more!
7. I want Corey and I to focus on really getting involved in a church here in Charlotte (until we make further moves) and have loved going to Forrest Hill. I hope that maybe we will start to find other ways to get involved and create more relationships with some of the great people there!
8. I plan on turning this blog into a website that will also feature my photography and future projects I dive I am hoping to really get it up and running soon. I seem to talk and write about it more than making it happen..SO from now on I am setting aside time so it is ready to finally share.
9. I think because of having so much anxiety and just day to day stress.. I let it transpire into anger and sometimes harsh words get the best of me. I have found that saying less is more and being more soft spoken can always be a bit more attractive.
10. Lastly, I hope to do more of what I love on a daily basis, continuing to follow my dreams and staying passionate about everything I lay my hands on. I never want to let anything keep me from doing or becoming what God wants for my life. SO here is to a year filled with everything that is to being twenty something in 2014!
Monday, December 23, 2013
DIY: Ornament wreath
I thought it was time I finally shared how I made my ornament wreath before Christmas is actually here. I saw this idea on a few other blogs and really wanted to give it a try for myself after everyone said how easy the process was (and it really was).
I started out by getting all of my materials from the Dollar Store and Michaels. I wanted to go with a color scheme that was very "outdoorsish" but still looking very festive. I found some subtle green ornaments along with some bright ones and thought they would pair great with the gold/silver balls. I also wanted to give the wreath a little depth so I found some glitter mini ornaments and pine cones to adorn where I saw fitted.
I started the project by wrapping the tree branch wreath with some ribbon (that I scored 70% off) and made sure the whole wreath looked like an even circle. I then began gluing the ornaments on one by one (yes it takes some time) and made sure to space out the colors so the wreath would be even from all angles. Lastly I added the pine cones and smaller ornament balls where I had some empty spaces or a small gap that needed something added to it.
And finally I added a large burlap bow (my favorite) to hang it properly and give it a finishing touch. I think overall it turned out great! Not incredibly durable, but I do think it will last a few more seasons so that is a plus! Took me probably 2 hours max and cost a total of about $15! Hope you are feeling creative this holiday season like I am :)
Thoughts: My standpoint on Duck Dynasty and Mom's who know it all
I made a comment regarding the situation with Duck Dynasty's Phil getting kicked off the A&E network last week on Facebook (which of course created some commentary..both positive and negative). Phil had made comments (on the Duck Dynasty show) regarding homosexuals and that he did not believe that was what God intended for our mankind. I was upset by this, because we pride ourselves, in this glorious nation we live, on living in a free country where we have freedom of speech and religion. We pride ourselves on being able to express oneself no matter what the circumstance may be (even if it majority of the time can be inappropriate or should be said at another time). We pride ourselves on living in a country where we accept everyone for who they are even if they are making choices we don't agree with. We pride ourselves on being different and a huge salad bowl of people with amazing and various traits/characteristics/qualities.
Therefore, if Phil has a show (which he did and was on "Duck Dynasty") then he should certainly (at least in my mind) be able to say whatever he wants ....and viewers can take it with a grain of salt like we (as humans) do with all the other media outlets we are subjected to each day. Bravo and other networks have the power speak freely about whatever their views are and I do not see the network kicking them off because of an opinion they have ..and would like to share (kind of defeats reality television?).
I also had made a comment regarding homosexuality and that it is (in my mindset..and others believe it or not) a lifestyle choice. To ME..that is my personal opinion and while you have a right to yours..please do not start telling me mine is wrong or not okay. I had many people comment back with their own views which is fine and I love hearing other's viewpoints on this topic. However, I will (and did after some debate in my mind) remove comments and tell others to please speak in a way that expresses an opinion without being cruel and twisting what others have to say. My comments (which I look at before posting are in no way mean or offensive) reflect my own perspective on our world and it's entities due to my upraising in a Christian home...where I was taught and read over and over that God planned on Adam and Eve creating many generations and the power of a husband and wife.
I DO feel it is a lifestyle choice, and many have my same view..If you do not that is completely okay and we can agree to disagree just fine. BTW I am also not ignorant bc I feel this way and if you have the same view ..don't feel like you are ignorant either (bc of your stance). In fact, you are pretty in tune with what is going on around us..let's be honest I would not be talking about this if it were not a relevant topic in our society..which it is. I have friends who are homosexual and straight and what not.... so do what you feel is right for yourself and be yourself..power to ya..but let others have a perspective.
Here is info on what his comments were and about the situation
Here is info on what his comments were and about the situation
I am finding it comical when I read moms say (via blog or facebook or article) that people don't know how to parent because they have never had their own. AND apparently don't know the pain and hardship of having a newborn and what skin to skin contact is like and breastfeeding and worrying and the feeling of a being in your womb . .blah blah blah..umm last time I checked I would love to do all of those things one day..and so would MANY moms..
I posted about this already (in my "What a nanny does know" post) and don't wanna get into it too much.. but I faced some backlash by a mom who said I hadn't experienced that motherly feeling based off most of the reasons above.. so apparently I wouldn't know at all what it's like to really be a mom.. yeah right...the love, the compassion, the hardships, the triumphs, the adventures, the sleepless nights, the early bottle feedings ..not just for you mom's who gave birth yourself.
MANY mom's exist who had to use a surrogate or adopt ..because after a million infertility treatments and medicine they could not physically give birth to an infant all their own. SO they do not always get that luxury that you call "hardship" ...they don't get to have skin to skin contact or the site of seeing a miracle that you were able to create ..and hold a being right after being delivered that looks at you for the first time (and noone else) with your same nose and little grin...
Breastfeed? some moms don't get that either so while you complain about what you "have" to do and how nobody understands unless a baby came out of them..remember one thing ..OTHERS would have loved to have been given that opportunity. As a nanny I have seen what moms have had to go through and the heartbreak and joy they have faced through their own ordeals. I have had the opportunity to wake up in the middle of the night and feed a baby (via bottle) while barely keeping my eyes open and jotting feeding times down in a journal. YOU are not the only. SO do yourself a favor people and stop telling others they don't know...
I am finding it comical when I read moms say (via blog or facebook or article) that people don't know how to parent because they have never had their own. AND apparently don't know the pain and hardship of having a newborn and what skin to skin contact is like and breastfeeding and worrying and the feeling of a being in your womb . .blah blah blah..umm last time I checked I would love to do all of those things one day..and so would MANY moms..
I posted about this already (in my "What a nanny does know" post) and don't wanna get into it too much.. but I faced some backlash by a mom who said I hadn't experienced that motherly feeling based off most of the reasons above.. so apparently I wouldn't know at all what it's like to really be a mom.. yeah right...the love, the compassion, the hardships, the triumphs, the adventures, the sleepless nights, the early bottle feedings ..not just for you mom's who gave birth yourself.
MANY mom's exist who had to use a surrogate or adopt ..because after a million infertility treatments and medicine they could not physically give birth to an infant all their own. SO they do not always get that luxury that you call "hardship" ...they don't get to have skin to skin contact or the site of seeing a miracle that you were able to create ..and hold a being right after being delivered that looks at you for the first time (and noone else) with your same nose and little grin...
Breastfeed? some moms don't get that either so while you complain about what you "have" to do and how nobody understands unless a baby came out of them..remember one thing ..OTHERS would have loved to have been given that opportunity. As a nanny I have seen what moms have had to go through and the heartbreak and joy they have faced through their own ordeals. I have had the opportunity to wake up in the middle of the night and feed a baby (via bottle) while barely keeping my eyes open and jotting feeding times down in a journal. YOU are not the only. SO do yourself a favor people and stop telling others they don't know...
Monday, December 16, 2013
Quotes: What they said...
Let the beauty we love be what we do. – Rumi
If everybody likes you, you are not a very interesting person. – Bette Davis
As you get older, it is harder to have heroes, but it is sort of necessary. -Ernest Hemingway
When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us. - Helen Keller
I might repeat to myself slowly and soothingly, a list of quotations beautiful from minds profound – if I can remember any of the damn things. – Dorothy Parker
Thoughts: 5 Things
1. I am way to excited about this week. For once I have a one day work week...which is typically how it goes but no babysitting tomorrow and then Wednesday, Corey and I will be on our way to Waynesville! We have decided instead of golfing and maybe me getting some spa action..we might go skiing instead! It's been forever since both Corey and I have been so why not give it a go? (Yes we probably will be falling on our butts most the time but we will have a blast!). I am already packing and making sure I have plenty of warm things like my favorite wool socks..fur coat..skinnies..booties..and scarves galore!
2. I Think some people are so strange..If you have a blog ..or any social media account and someone wants to befriend you that doesn't look like a rapist or strange old creepy man..why take offense in them adding you as a friend? Like are you "too cool" in your own micro world that you can't let others get to know you or your journey that is evidently pretty public? Makes no sense to me.. but to each their own worries if you are reading this and stumble across my facebook or instagram and look like a nice person with many mutual friends I won't be that close minded (as some are) and would love to get to know you! :) Thank you to all who have reached out to me or been so sweet with me reaching out to you! Yall are awesome and seem to have tons going for you unlike the few things others rejoice over..
3. I am loving little babes. NO ..I am seriously not ready for my own anytime soon ..but being an aunt to 4 little ones along with 2 on the way is so rewarding and a huge blessing. I cannot wait for baby Whited and baby Brereton to be here after the New Year. God is so good in allowing life to be ever present in our world.
4. I have ...all of the sudden... become obsessed with Christmas. As in I bake almost every night a delicious xmas goodie and have now purchased my first Christmas tree ..and decorated it too! We also made a gingerbread village last night (which yes made me feel like a 5 year old again and I loved every bit of it!). I think the countdown to Christmas and my birthday are making their way here!
5. I will be getting my website up soon..which I am thrilled about!!! I hope everyone will love it as much as I am! It has a few little fixes and editing to do (which my boyfriend keeps saying he will do sometime before we turn ancient) but I am hoping it will be easier to share and for you to view my soon real estate info. It is always scary jumping into something new however, until you do you aren't truly living your life. I am ready for whatever God wants for me..and hoping this is His will! Stay posted for updates in the near future!
Until next time...
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Style: Master the messy bun!
Lately (well not that recent actually) I have had a love for the messy bun. I think I mostly love it because of how effortless it always is ..but now I feel like it gives your style a more romantic and whimsical look (which seems to always be eye catching). I mentioned (in my fall style post) that there are tons of tutorials and what not on how to create your own messy bun..but I would just try it for yourself the first time. It's called messy for a reason..meaning it shouldn't look a certain way or be in a certain position.
Just throw it up on your head and tie it up with an elastic...BAM..your done! If it helps, here is my start out..flip your head over and put your hair in a messy high ponytail at the top of your head and secure with a hair tie. (Use a hair tie color closest to your hair color.) Note: No need to brush out hair before hand with this look. The messier the better. Pull the ponytail in an upward then downward position, just a tad, to loosen. Loosely wrap ponytail hair around hair tie and secure pieces with bobby pins. Loosen random pieces in front, at sides, back and on top to create the messy look if not created already. Viola! You now have a chic, messy high bun! here are a few more photos of messy bun looks that are inspiring me!
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Mountains: Ready to see Waynesville!
Picked up an extra day of nannying this week which has both pros and cons. Pros being that I will have extra money to splurge at the mountains next week or better yet might be buying another shade of Hunter Boots...and cons being that well with 2 infants you are bound to have a tiresome day. From now until around 6:30 I will be effortlessly trying to keep everyone happy...fed...entertained..and well rested...along with maybe getting a few bites of food in myself (so far it has only been 3 cups of coffee).
However, on these glorious (and hopeful) 2 hours that these little ones will be taking their morning nap, I have some time to get some Chobani yogurt down my throat before I hear a peep. I am currently extremely excited about my trip to Waynesville, NC, with Corey next week. We are leaving Wednesday and coming back Friday so it should be a fairly short trip..but I will take what I can get! We found this trip on Groupon and scored big. For 2 nights and a $30 dining voucher at the Waynesville Inn Golf Resort & Spa (sounds fancy right?) we paid a total of $130. Now to me, that is a killer deal and we took it without much hesitation. I am excited to explore the area and maybe even get a little spa action while Corey golfs!
As I have mentioned in previous posts, Corey and I both love taking at least one yearly trip to the mountains or nearby region because of how gorgeous it is in the Fall and Winter. Growing up, I really did hate going to our mountain house... and now I so badly wish we hadn't sold it because of my new appreciation and love for Boone, Blowing Rock and Asheville. Last year, we went to the Biltmore and Boone on two separate trips that were amazing to say the least. I think everyone should go to the Biltmore Estate and go experience the wine tasting and see the history and beauty of the whole place. Corey and I made it a weekend trip and had the absolute best time!
However, on these glorious (and hopeful) 2 hours that these little ones will be taking their morning nap, I have some time to get some Chobani yogurt down my throat before I hear a peep. I am currently extremely excited about my trip to Waynesville, NC, with Corey next week. We are leaving Wednesday and coming back Friday so it should be a fairly short trip..but I will take what I can get! We found this trip on Groupon and scored big. For 2 nights and a $30 dining voucher at the Waynesville Inn Golf Resort & Spa (sounds fancy right?) we paid a total of $130. Now to me, that is a killer deal and we took it without much hesitation. I am excited to explore the area and maybe even get a little spa action while Corey golfs!
As I have mentioned in previous posts, Corey and I both love taking at least one yearly trip to the mountains or nearby region because of how gorgeous it is in the Fall and Winter. Growing up, I really did hate going to our mountain house... and now I so badly wish we hadn't sold it because of my new appreciation and love for Boone, Blowing Rock and Asheville. Last year, we went to the Biltmore and Boone on two separate trips that were amazing to say the least. I think everyone should go to the Biltmore Estate and go experience the wine tasting and see the history and beauty of the whole place. Corey and I made it a weekend trip and had the absolute best time!
A few of the photos I got from the Biltmore!
Gorgeous Atrium! |
Here are a few photos from our trip to Boone and Grandfather Mountain! It was such a fun time and we did a bunch of site seeing and enjoying the delicious restaurants. We explored the historic downtown area which was filled with the cutest little shops with nicknacks of all sorts and delicious fudge everywhere! This trip was a little more scenic and we had a killer time being on top of the mountain together!
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Cuteness overload: Getting back into photography..
Today I took some pics of sweet baby Elizabeth Sanders...I watch her occasionally and love getting to spend time with her sweet little self. I wanted to try taking some pictures with my phone at different angles and using some natural light. Her mom and I love how the photos turned out and can't wait to come back with my Nikon to get some professional pics I can start editing on Adobe Elements. I am so excited to be getting back into photography along with occasional nannying and soon real estate come February! Love doing what I love each day! Will be sharing my new website soon that will feature my services along with my blog! Stay tuned! :)
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